Society Jewelry, Ties, and Graduation Stoles
The following merchandise is available from the National Office. The
order forms can be found on the Sigma Gamma Tau web site.
- Pewter key casting (approximately 4" high, left side of photo), $15.00.
- Small tie-tac (approximately 0.75" high, upper right of photo), $24.00.
Other merchandise have been phased out.
Graduation Stole
The graduation stoles can be special ordered through the National Office
(cost is $38.00 per stole). The stoles are shipped directly from the manufacturer
to the chapter. Orders should be placed at least 60 days prior to graduation
(i.e., October 1st for fall semester graduation and March 1st for spring semester
graduation) in order to deal with delays in shipment or other unforseen problem
issues. If your order does not arrive within 30 days, please contact the National
Office. Orders which are placed 30-60 days in advance will most likely arrive in
time, but it will be difficult to ship a second set of stoles if there are
problems with your original shipment. Please note that orders are placed AFTER
receipt of the payment check at the National Office (credit cards and departmental
purchase orders are not accepted). As of the 2018 National Convention, the
National Office allows the faculty advisor to request a set of stoles on an IOU
basis. However, no additional IOU's (another set of stoles or membership
certificates or jewelry) are allowed until payment for this initial IOU is
received. Note that the request must come directly from the faculty advisor.
Many chapters purchase a set of stoles which they keep in stock and sells
them to graduates on a first-come first-serve basis. As their stock is reduced
to a critical level, these chapters order in "bulk" so that they do not run out.
The National Office recommends this practice since stoles involve a long lead
time to order.
Since stoles are long lead time items, the National Office encourages
chapters to maintain sufficient stock and make some stoles available for rent.
This allows chapters to raise funds as well as to help students who request stoles
at the "last minute." The idea of tracking the name(s) of those who wore the
specific rented stole at their graduation has also been suggested. (Think about
being able to wear the same stole as a well-known alumnus at your graduation.)
Rather than renting stoles for a fee, some chapters have suggested offering stoles
to those who have earned the most service points in their chapter. In case of stole
rental, a deposit fee (in addition to rental fee) is recommended to reduce the
likelihood that the stole is not returned.
As of the 2006 National Convention, the National Office sends a stole (or
jewelry as an alternative) to each chapter which nominates a student to the
Annual Undergraduate Award competition. This stole should be worn by the award
nominee at his/her graduation.